357 Mag - 110 gr SJHP - Remington Express - 500 Rounds in Jacksonville, Florida For Sale
Price: $450
Type: Sport,
For Sale
- Private.
Manufactured by industry leader Remington Arms Company, so you know this is a quality product. It is new manufacture, brass-cased, boxer-primed, non-corrosive, and reloadable. It's a versatile round applicable for use when ridding yourself of varmits or predators and self-defense purposes. These semi-jacket hollow-point bullets are designed for maximum energy transfer upon impact and controlled expansion during penetration. .
Manufacturer: Remington
Model: R357M7
Condition: New
Availability: In Stock
Source: http://www.luckygunner.com/357-mag-110-gr-sjhp-rem-exp-500-rounds