$225.99, Congo Bodyboard Kong 44? w/ Retrac? Skegs in Jacksonville, Florida For Sale
Price: $225
Type: Sport,
For Sale
- Private.
Kong 44? w/ Retrac? Skegs
New 44 inch Kong
PolyPro Core
8lb Sealed Air Top
Surlyn Bottom
2 Graphite Stringers
Contoured Kong Top
With revolutionized retractable skegs! Pop out the fins for stand up, drop knee, or bigger days for added edge control! Congo Boards Kong model was designed specifically for the Congo team. This board can withstand any conditions large or small surf, cool or warm climates. Riding style for this board is predominately prone, but can also be ridin dropknee. A solid board all around in every type of surf condition.
We offer this board in red,blue,black,yellow,and pink
We also offer it in a variety of sizes from 38" to 54"